ICX Media is a video analytics software company that mines data from 11M video creators and 300M consumers for global brands. Some things that I did during my time there was produce a custom user-centered design solution for Freethink to fill content engagement gaps. To accomplish that I collaborated with UX and Product Management to create high fidelity interaction designs in Figma and conducted user research and usability testing to inform my designs.
Dashboard Features:
Platform selection tools at the top of the dashboard that affects the data shown on the rest of the page.
This was a unique challenge to the client for they post the same video on many different platforms.
We used the ability to select the platform at the top of the page to account for this difference where all the data of the page is in reference to one platform or an aggregate of that platform
Top segment of top-level demographic analytics segmented by reach, engagement, and audience.
Users can click through different data sections within each segment. This dashboard is reactive and constantly changes as more data is added to our database.
Using simple graphics, bold texts, and top page location works well for this top-line report to provide information in a straightforward way.
Performance tracker, comparing new subscribers to the goal number of new subscribers grouped by week, month, or year.
There is the option to hide this feature for presentation purposes if the client did not want to show their current progress while using the dashboard to present to the client.
In-depth breakdown of recent video performance.
Using simple icons to show which platforms this content has been posted on helped to organize and cumulate data.
A simple table was used to rely on similar segments of data across many different videos.
Content Analytics
Further specified categories of data such as tagged by series allows users to get specific and can customize the data they view. This table was used to show the raw data in a more aesthetically pleasing way.
Video Performance
This feature is a more detailed video of the video performance from the dashboard. On this page, the thumbnail, title, and post date are included. Platforms the video is posted on is highlighted and can be filtered for as well as tags the clients themselves can add to the post entities in order to filter for FreeThink specific segments, such as brand deals or topic. A simple table was used for this feature because the user of this feature is the video content manager. From meeting with this manager multiple times we discussed how this feature should look and they said that they wanted raw data that they can personally manipulate so a table was the best way to present that raw data in an organized way.
Linking and MetadatA
A unique feature I created was this metadata linking feature. Here The client can link multiple videos from different sites to be aggregated under one entity. This helped to solve multiple entries of the same product. Here the clients can like on multiple platforms and link videos posted from different sources to be under the same entity. Metadata labels can also be added for further filtering and aggregation. These labels are left as free labels where the client can name these labels as anything. These labels were important to the client to sort by add campaign or by topic.