Over time, as I have gained experiences and grown I have developed a set of values that motivate my actions as a leader. These values align with my passion to empower underrepresented groups. Some of my core values include:
1. Compassion
Compassion is an understanding of someone else’s emotions and the desire to help them. To me, compassion is what drives me to help others in my everyday life and to not just work for those groups, but with them. This value has lead me to seek out programs where I can help underrepresented groups, such as the disabled community. I am currently an executive member of the UW chapter of Special Olympics which is a unified recreational sports team that strives for the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. It is compassion that motivates me to put effort into making this program the best it can be in order to help others.
2. Authenticity
Authenticity to me is to be true to one’s self and to be genuine. I think it takes a lot of self-awareness and self-love to be authentically you and I think those things are important to be accepting of yourself and others. Authenticity is one of the values that when put into practice can lead to more fulfilling experiences and relationships so I work to teach others how to be their authentic selves. This is why I work on developing tools that empower others to be authentically themselves, such as creating a VR game for the visually impaired to build confidence in who they are and to be self-accepting.
3. Growth
Growth is what makes life exciting, to work towards being your authentic self is what growth means to me. I think we are constantly growing with every action we take and person we meet. Growth allows us to think more critically of ourselves and the world around us by acknowledging the difference between our past, present, and future selves. This critical assessment helps us learn more about ourselves, how we function in the world and what we truly value. I continue to grow with every experience I have, an example of this is the immense amount of skills I learned while building an alumni and networking committee for my sorority from the ground up. I went through struggles and successes building up this committee and with those experiences, I have learned more about myself and taken the knowledge I have gained to grow into a better leader.
4. Resilience
I think resilience is important and is something we continually must develop. Resilience to me is the ability to recognize and push past adversity. It is impossible to avoid challenges throughout life however, it is possible to adapt to these hardships and that helps shape who we are becoming. We all build resilience in our own ways, it may not be as simple as getting up after a fall, but strength and perseverance push us to become who we want to be. While working with Hall Council I experiences many difficult situations such as a lack of membership participation, but during this time I was able to practice skills that made me more resilient and I continue to use those skills in other areas I am involved in.
5. Happiness
While happiness is a value of mine, I also like to think of it as a goal. Using my other values as tools to reach happiness is what I strive for. I am not sure how to define happiness yet. I think the definition of happiness is something that looks different for each person and changes throughout our life. It is important to not materialize or quantify happiness, instead focus on the feeling state of happiness. Right now, I would say the love for my true self and teaching others to do the same is what makes me happy.